There have been questions about the burning restrictions and how to find out if fires are allowed at specific times in the park. Cascade River Park follows the most restrictive burn requirements at any given time.
The main organizations to consider are:
- Skagit County Fire Marshall
- Local air quality information: Northwest Clean Air Agency
- Statewide air quality monitoring: Washington Department of Ecology
- DNR Department of Natural Resources
Currently there are several wild fires that are creating unsafe conditions with the air quality. While the air quality effects everyone, it is especially hard on people with weakened immune systems, asthma, heart and lung problems, and other health issues.
Most of the time checking the Skagit County Fire Marshall site is sufficient but when the circumstances are extreme, such as now, it important that we all be extra diligent so that we are not contributing to the problem. If there is ever a doubt about the current burn restrictions in the park, you can email the office or a caretaker to find out.
Currently there is no outdoor burning allowed in the park. Propane fires are allowed.
Thank you for being responsible members of our community and for helping to keep everyone safe.
Cascade River Community Club Staff