Dear Fellow Park Members,
This notification is to notify the membership that our water system is leaking in a way that cannot be ignored :
- Our records show that we pumped 632,610 gallons in January and 671,490 gallons in February. With about 370 lots that’s 60 gallons per day per lot.
- Our water tanks are dropping by over 3.5 feet overnight. On average we’re looking at 14,000 gallons from 7pm to 9am.
- With maybe a maximum of 40 people in the Park during the week in winter, that represents 350 gallons per member overnight.
- With a cost estimate of $0.05 to $0.20 to pump a gallon, these leaks represent potentially over $1,000 down the drain every night.
These numbers speak for themselves and are alarming. It’s a major financial concern and an environmental one. The Board has recognized this as an emergency and has started taking measures :
- Parts of the park with suspected leaks have been isolated and are being investigated by our caretaker’s team under the Board and Pixie’s supervision.
- The scope of work to be done is being defined. Qualified professionals have been contacted and the Board is collecting bids. “Stop the leaks plan” will be executed promptly.
- As operations are underway to determine where the leaks are, water will be shut down at various times during the day over the next 4 weeks at minimum. Pixie will communicate and give advance notice as much as possible.
- Long-term planning and funding will be required as an ongoing process. A committee will be established with the precise objective to manage our water issues.
As a consequence, with our water system compromised and to respond to Park members’ concerns, the Board is issuing a “Boil Water Notice” as a precaution.
Please do not hesitate to reach out and contact the Board. Your expertise and advice are always helpful to the Board and to the membership.
On behalf of the Board – Michael Rodriguez (Vice President)