Cascade River Community Club
CRCC Regular Board Meeting Saturday, March 19, 2016
Marblemount Community Hall Page 1 of 3
PDF of Board Minutes
Attendance: Board – Michael Grant, Gary Keith, Jim Bernhard, Mark Norton, Kurt Treftz (late arrival)
Staff /contractors – Marty Parker, Anne Murphy, Karen Flickner (late arrival)
Committee chairs – Bob Anderson
Members – 9
The meeting was called to order by Board President Michael Grant at 9:01 am
Minutes for the February Regular Board meeting were approved with three corrections. M/S/P.
Mark Norton handed out copies of a proposed new Policy 1244 Code of Conduct at CRCC Meetings for review and discussion by the Board and members present. Member Div I said most Home Owners groups have such procedures for conduct at Board of Directors meetings to help the meeting run smoothly. Jim Bernhard said this policy, if adopted, will make the now somewhat informal meetings more businesslike. It was MOVED to adopt Policy 1244 as presented. S/P This policy will be printed in the newsletter, posted on the website, and will be posted at the meetings by the sign in sheet.
Caretaker – Richard Cassel, no report, on L&I leave
Relief Caretaker – Marty Parker
* Marty said members have been very helpful during Richard’s time off. A special Thank You to
Don Parker for helping with the Relief Caretaker duties and to Bob Anderson for his great help
with water issues
* all the water boxes have been dug out on Lookout Mountain Loop and meters can now be read
* water box/meter issues: three lots in Div I and one in Div II need new water meters; several water boxes cannot be located on lots in Div II
* after the leak at the pump house was fixed, Marty said she is pumping water every three days rather than every day
* doing work on the roads
Water – Jim Bernhard
* water production is good with 52/gal per min to the tanks – water usage is way down
* re maintenance of the water lines, it is planned to gradually get rid of the old asbestos main lines from Day Creek to the Picnic Grounds
* members will be notified when there is a planned interruption of water to their lots
* there are now 231 metered lots in the Park (this includes the W Diablo area in Div III)
* monthly water test results have been good – still awaiting results of radiation tests
* Jim gave the coliform test results to Marty, and also a set of updated forms for meter readings
* Mark Norton asked if the reason is known for difference between amount of water pumped and the total of meter readings – Jim responded that it is the unmetered lots being used each month and water leaks in the system
* the County has said no more Water Purveyor Permits will be allowed until a new well is built –
one permit is still in process under the old policy of a deposit refund, and new member will request a variance
* the Small Water System Management Plan Jim has been working on for the Park has been sent to the Health Dept and is awaiting signoff
* the 2016-17 budget will contain an allocation for installation of a second well
* Member Div I had a complaint about a letter he received from the Park re water usage on their lot – the letter said they have used over 10,000 per month the last several months yet their reading show differently. They asked if their meter was being read properly. Jim said he will check the readings. The
The members thanked Michael Grant for his request a new water meter on their lot.
* Bob Anderson, who has been helping Marty with water issues, reported that a leak was found
CRCC Regular Board Meeting Page 2 of 3 Saturday, March 19, 2016
at the pump house. Marty said the run off had been going on at least since December and the
Caretaker said it was okay. Bob said it is wrong when we charge members for high usage and
we cannot get our own Caretaker to fix a Park leak. The leak was fixed and should show a big
decrease in water loss per month.
* Marty requested two lids for the larger water boxes
Roads – Bob Anderson
* Thank you to Bob Anderson for volunteering to be Roads Chair
* Bob said there are three areas that are #1 priority for roads repair:
1) E Cascade Drive hill from Day Creek to the cement water tank, which should have been
done after the water line was put in in March 2015
2) the bottom of E Cascade Hill after you enter the main gate – road repair after a leak was
never finished
3) intersection in Div III at E Ross and High Ridge
* he and Marty are working on Nugget Creek so trailers don’t bottom out, and they are cutting back branches in the area
* re new phone line installation – a member should contact Bob, the Caretaker, or a Board member if a new phone is to be installed so the water lines and valves can be located and avoided
* there is a problem with a phone line on Lookout Mountain Loop as a new flower pot (phone box) is 19 feet into the road right of way – it needs to be moved before it is possibly damaged by road work
* Michael Grant asked about the progress on Diablo Way – Mike wants access to all lots by May
* Bob will together with Dept of Fisheries and get dates as to when we can ditch & work on our bridges
* Bob and Marty said the rock on Lookout Mountain Loop still is not packing well
Secretary – Jim Bernhard
* re compensation from the county for the damages to Lookout Mountain Loop, our lawyer has
copies of the letters we have sent the County. Michael Grant said this is the third flood in the same
area – it seems the County refuses to maintain the culvert. Several options were considered – our legal
costs could be high. Jim will get the ball rolling with our lawyer on this issue.
* six certified letters have been sent to members re requested lot clean up
* Jim said he will be absent from the May Board meeting
Buildings & Grounds – Kurt Treftz
* Thank you to Member in Div II for his volunteer annual cleanup of the area around the main gate
VERT – Ted Irvin – written report received
* Marty said the battery for the fire truck has still not been charged.
Web Page – see www.cascaderiverpark.com.
* the web site is up and running – Mark Norton volunteered to be the Board member with the
administrative option to post emergency information on the site
Firewise – Ted Irvin
* Member Div I reminded all members of the Memorial Day Spring Park Clean-up on the Sunday of
Memorial Day week-end. All members are welcome to bring their yard tools and join the fun
Regular Board Meeting was recessed at 10:25 for an Executive session
Regular Board Meeting was resumed at 10:45
Treasurer’s Report – Kurt Treftz, Karen Flickner
* Karen handed out the financial reports for review
* with the addition of seven checks to the bills to be paid list handed out at the meeting, it was
MOVED to authorize payment of bills and sign the vouchers. S/P
* MOVED to transfer funds from BOA Sv to BOA Ck to cover this month’s payments. S/P
* Jim gave Karen money he received from Member Div I who paid his fine for speeding and reckless endangerment to Park members/property. He will also be charged for repair of damages to the sign
and the main gate from the October incident.
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* Karen noted six checks had been voided for various reasons
* due to a confusion in an old balance carried forward to a new member, member Div I is requesting a payment plan be set up for them
* the Board approved Karen’s request to be absent from the May 21 Board meeting – she will need payment requests by May 11 and will meet with Kurt Treftz to give him checks and financial reports
Delinquent Accounts – Mike Schindler – absent from meeting
* Mike did not give the Board a report of his chairperson activities for the month
* Marty again requested a list of Park owned lots for sale and would like to have the lots posted with
contact information for Mike Schindler
1. Per an inquiry from member Div I, we had the House Bill 1309, the reserve study for HOA’s,
done several years ago and the results were very good.
2. Jim reviewed the second draft of the proposed 2016-17 budget. It was MOVED to accept the Budget for presentation to the membership at the Annual Meeting on June 11, 2016. S/P
3. The nominating committee has found two members willing to run for the two open Board positions for next year. Their bios will be printed in the Spring Newsletter.
4. Jim handed out Policy 3205 Event Notification of Members to be reviewed by the Board. It
was MOVED to adopt this policy. S/P
5. the Caretaker, and Chairpersons should have their articles for the Spring Newsletter to the
Board by April 4. The articles will be approved by the Board by April 15. Request was put
out to all members for volunteers for the Annual Labor Day Salmon BBQ – a chairperson is
also needed for the fun event
6. Members were reminded that per Policy members must present to the Board by April 15 a
request for a topic the member would like discussed at the Annual Meeting.
7. See Secretary’s report for Lot Clean-up letters sent to members
8. Marty reported she sold one key this month – money was given to the Caretaker
9. It was MOVED to amend Policy 1501 was to add the website manager to the list of members
who could have access to a membership list. S/P
10. Mark Norton wanted to thank six members for helping build an assist ramp for a member
in need who due to the change in topography because of the slide in November did not have
access to his accommodation. Job well done – this is called family, neighborhood, teamwork.
Michael Grant wanted to thank the members present for attending and meeting and for the courteous presentations of their concerns.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:50 am. M/S/P
Respectfully submitted, Anne Murphy, Recording Secretary ______________________
Michael Grant, Board President_____________________________________________
Jim Bernhard, Board Secretary _____________________________________________
Please see attached for the latest Cascade River Community Club Newsletter
Fall Newsletter 2015
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