Water in Division 1 will be shut off from 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. on Thursday, July 11, 2024 for meter installations. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Water Leak Update
The CRCC water system is really showing its age. Installed in the 1960s, the asbestos/concrete (AC) piping used for construction is very fragile and is now breaking down. Simply put, it needs to be replaced before a catastrophic failure occurs.
The water flow rate meters that were installed last month allow us to determine approximately where and how much water is being lost. As of 6/25/2024, the meter closest to the concrete tank on E Cascade Drive consistently showed a flow rate of 4.2 gallons per minute during non-peak hours. Doing the math, that means the Park is losing 6048 gallons per day. Or to put it in more human terms, 3780 toilet flushes every day.
It has been suggested we can continue to patch the existing system indefinitely or “for a few more years”. This is patently not true! The AC pipe is so fragile you can break it apart with your hands.
The Board of Directors is working closely with both the Department of Health and Department of Ecology. They are fully aware of the problems with which we are dealing. They are directly involved in helping us plan for a resolution to the state of emergency that we are in and fully understand the urgency of the situation. After the results of the Labor and Industry worksite violation inspection that surfaced zero infractions, they indicated they have a high degree of confidence in our ability to oversee the system replacement process. We are also working closely with a civil engineering firm to design and implement the replacement system.
The 6000-foot-long AC pipe coming from the pump house at the west end of Cascade Drive is used to both fill and provide service from the concrete water tank at the east end of Cascade Drive. This pipe is the one most in need of immediate replacement because it is the major contributor to the current leakage. While the replacement of that fill/service line is happening, an alternative way to fill the concrete tank must be available to keep the Park in safe drinking water.
The current plan being pursued is to drill a temporary well in Division 1 much closer to the concrete tank and use that well to fill it using a dedicated fill line. DOH, DOE, and the engineering firm all in agreement that this is a viable plan.
We are in phase 1 of an estimated 3-phase plan for the water system replacement project. Our engineering firm is helping us develop a long-term plan to keep costs down while completing the project in an expeditious manner.
As per Washington State Department of Health guidelines, the boil water advisory remains in effect.
As a reminder, water leaks on the property side of the water meter are the responsibility of the owner to resolve. Park caretakers are instructed to immediately shut off a lot’s water when a leak is suspected when examining the water meter. They will notify any people on the property before they shut it off. The caretakers did that on a property this week that had a 10 gallon per minute leak that was unknown to the residents.
If an owner notices the red “3-pointed star” dial on their water meter is spinning when they know no water is being used, it is their responsibility to immediately shut the turn off valve and notify a caretaker and/or the office of the leak. Emergency contact numbers are posted on the white board outside of the office.
As always, if you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the board. We remain dedicated to preserving the health and safety of Park owners and their guests.
Sincerely, CRCC Board of Directors
CRCC Truck For Sale
Hello fellow community members, we are offering up our new park truck to our membership first. This is a great opportunity for someone. It is more truck than the park needs. Our work truck has only 102k miles and is more than enough for now. We also have a new side by side. With our finances depleted too far with unforeseen expenses, we feel this is not the right time for a new truck. This new truck has less than 700 miles. Here are a few pictures and the original purchase order. Any questions please feel free to contact the board.
On behalf of the Board
Bret Cornelius – CRCC Vice President

For additional images, please check your email sent Friday at 3pm.
UPDATE: New Annual Meeting Set – July 13, 2024
CRCC Members,
Unfortunately, we did not achieve the minimum number of participants necessary to constitute a quorum of 20% of the membership to call the annual meeting to order. That means we will be rescheduling the annual meeting again to happen after the monthly board meeting on July 13th, 2024. You will be receiving a new annual meeting packet in the mail shortly.
The next annual meeting will be held in strict adherence to existing statutes and Park Policy #1230, Voting Procedures.
The Park needs volunteers to serve on the election committee at the next meeting. A one-day commitment folks!
Also, elections for three nominating committee positions will be held in the next annual meeting. Please submit a bio for inclusion in the mailing packet by June 17th if you would like to run.
On behalf of the Board
Paul Tews, CRCC President
CRCC Budget Ratification and Annual Meetings
Dear fellow Park owners,
This is a reminder that Cascade River Community Club is having a doubleheader on Saturday, June 8, 2024 at 2 p.m. at the Marblemount Community Hall and online. The Board is inviting you for a get together over a light lunch at 12:30 PM prior to the meetings.
1- Budget Ratification Meeting
Under WUCIOA, the budget ratification procedure is defined as follows
2 – Annual Meeting
Your participation to the annual meeting is important as we need 67 members present to form a quorum.
Please note: it’s one vote per member, not per Lot. (The proxy Associa sent is wrong)
If you can’t make it to the meeting and haven’t sent your proxy to Associa, please print the proxy, sign it and email a picture to the Board!
The meeting will be recorded and access to the recording will be available on demand to Park members. When joining online please input your real name, division and lot numbers we so know who you are!
The package you received from Associa contains all the information pertaining to the budget ratification meeting and the annual meeting.
Please find bellow the composition of the actual Board with seats 2 and 3 open for election, the statement of the candidates who contacted the Board and the voting ballot if you’d like to sign and return it.
Additionally, three members need to be elected for the Nominating Committee and two will be appointed by the Board (CRCC Policy #1411)