Saturday, December 9, 2023
2:00 PM
In person: Inspire Church, Hwy 20, Marblemount WA
Virtual Meeting: ZOOM
Meeting ID: 842 2791 1246
Passcode: 683156
News & Notices
Board of Directors Meeting
Saturday November 11, 2023 at 2pm
Inspire Church, Marblemount WA and Online
The Cascade River Park Board of Directors would like to invite you to join the monthly meeting on Saturday November 11, 2023 at 2pm.
As a new format for joining online we are using Microsoft Teams. On computer or laptop, the link below should work on a regular browser without you having to install any application. On a smartphone or tablet you may have to install an application.
If you would like to submit some questions in advance, please don’t hesitate to send an email to the Board at [email protected]
Suggestions and advice are more than welcome!
October Board of Directors Meeting
October 14, 2023 – 2PM
Inspire Church, Marblemount and ZOOM
Zoom Meeting ID: 842 2791 1246
Passcode: 683156
- Call to order: by Board President
- Attendance: Board Members present in person and via Zoom
- Approval of minutes: 9/9/2023
- Reports; (not necessarily in this order)
- President
- Treasurer
- Staff-Pixie
- Committees
- Beautification
- Volunteer Coordinator-Kathy Rhoem
- Unfinished business
- Board to appoint new board member
- New Business
- Board votes via email need to be discussed about/read out.
- Board vote for appointing key holders for Post Office Box
New Caretakers for Cascade River Park
Please Welcome and say Hello to our New Temporary Caretakers Will Mcquire and Mir Agol.

Will worked in the past as a caretaker at Glacier Peak Resort in Rockport then at Hampton Lumber in Darrington. He and his family have been part of the Marblemount community for many years.
Mir is a property owner in the park and most members know him through his volunteer and artwork in the park. His prior job experience from all over the world will compliment his current duties as a caretaker.
Their diverse experience will benefit the operation of the park and the members that live here. I am happy to have them on board!
Please introduce yourself when you see them in the park.
Have an enjoyable Fall and Winter Season!
Back Gate Repairs – Unaccessible until Thursday (10/12)
The onsite team has requested notification be sent regarding the back gate being worked on. It will be unavailable through Thursday (10/12) evening.
In the meantime, please use the front gate. If you need large truck access, please contact the Site Manager at [email protected]
We appreciate your patience and understanding throughout this process.