To report a medical emergency, fire or crime please call 911 immediately.
Stay calm. Be sure to give your official address to emergency dispatch.
Sun, Mon – Closed
Tue, Wed & Thurs – 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Fri – Closed
Sat – 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.
If you are a member and have a question, please contact the office during our business hours: Wednesday – Saturday 11 to 3 pm.
If you are contacting us outside business hours, please send a general email. We will try our best to respond to you within 72 hours. Thank you for checking us out and we look forward to hearing from you!
Additional Contacts
Board Of Directors
If you are a park member and need to address a board member you can reach the board by emailing
Questions about dues or your account
Contact Associa EMB Management at
For assistance with policy enforcement, urgent matters, anything related to staff
Contact or call/text 360-661-9874
Billing, payment, account questions?
General Inquiries, water system questions, gate access?
Park emergencies or maintenance issues?
Please call the on-duty caretaker at (360) 661-9871.
(Really, please save these for real emergencies only.)
In the instance of a dispute between member owners, please contact the local Sherriff dept, to lodge your complaint.
Not a member, but would like more information about the park?
Send us an email and we will reach out to you.