Volunteering may help lower our assessments. Below are some the volunteer opportunities available at Cascade River Park. Each committee reports to a board member. Please contact the office at office@cascaderiverpark.com to get started. There are many ways to volunteer that do not require a long term commitment and bring joy to our community. Quarterly reports presented at Board meetings as needed.
Board Member
We are seeking new board members. Since the beginning of the pandemic, the Cascade River Park Board of Directors changed the policy to allow for video meetings, currently via Zoom. This opens the positions of the Board to a new and broader representation of the membership. Each Board member is asked to participate in four quarterly meetings, the annual meeting and a number of working sessions. Having the names of people who are willing to step up if a current board member needs to make a change in their life, i.e. career, birth, moving away, etc. is helpful. Please contact Jason Weaver, the chair of our nominating committee, if interested.
Nominating Committee
Volunteers are always needed before voting takes place at the annual meeting. These volunteers would recruit within the membership for nominations to the Board of Directors. They would also participate in gaining volunteers for the Park in general. Two of these positions are nominated by the Board and three are voted upon by the membership.
Volunteer Committee
Duties include, but not limited to: Helping with social events such as the annual meeting, acknowledging volunteer efforts, keeping track of volunteering hours and recruiting volunteers. You may work with staff and will answer to the board of directors.
Buildings and Grounds:
Volunteers needed, no construction experience needed, but would be helpful.
This committee works with and under the CT team, they may engage in clean up, burn pile duties, and other supervised maintenance chores around the Park.
Budget committee:
Six people preferred. No previous accounting experience required, good team skills a plus.
Duties include but not limited to: gathering estimates for projects such as, water, bridge, office projects and creating cost projections for specific categories to create a healthy and adequate budget to support the Park. You will work with and answer to the board of directors.
Beauty and Aesthetics:
A team is needed. Experience isn’t necessary, but gardening and landscaping experience is helpful.
Duties include but not limited to: weeding, trimming, pruning, planting, watering, landscaping.
Currently: Open
Duties include but not limited to: Keeping the community fire–wise in accordance with the national prevention program qualifications.
Annual BBQ:
Volunteers needed. No experience necessary, but a love of Hosting Fun events is a bonus. Teamwork.
Duties include but are not limited to: setting up and taking down the BBQ, monitoring the fire, organizing the food, publicity, and event planning.
Reserve Study Chair and Committee:
Volunteers needed. No experience necessary, but grant writing experience and/or research experience a plus.
Duties include but not limited to: researching grants, working with the reserve study to create a long-term plan for care of the Park and making sure the reserve funds are fully funded for future projects.